Saturday, May 9, 2020

- Years Old Part 4 Making it Happen -

How to Survive and Thrive After a Job Loss When Youre 50+/- Years Old Part 4 Making it Happen Whether it’s your choice or someone else’s, being out of work can be a world-rocking event! In this final part of the series, we’ll focus on putting it all together to build your improved, well-rounded, and balanced life.Get ready… it’s almost game timeYou have between 6-10 seconds to catch a recruiter’s attention with your resume. You cannot build a “one size fits all” resume. You need to tweak and customize it depending on the role you are applying for. Write or edit it with the hiring manager’s perspective in mind. What’s important to them? Which of your demonstrated skills are valuable to the role they are recruiting for?Focus on accomplishments, not responsibilities. Instead of “Responsible for leading and directing a group of 10 team members to meet and exceed company goals”, consider the increased impact of, “Led a team of 10 to exceed company goals by 10% and a ranking of 2 out of 20 divisions”. Make it meaningful for the hiring manager.There are many tools and web sites that can help you with your resume, but finding someone with enough knowledge to “pressure test” your content would be extremely valuable and helpful to your resume development.Preparing for the InterviewChances are that you haven’t had to interview for quite a very long time. The 3 ways to get good at interviewing are practice, practice and practice some more. Without practice, and feedback, it’s very difficult to improve with this critical skill. Remember, your resume might have gotten you in the door, but you still need to win the job. So, practice verbalizing answers to specific questions. Make sure you can clearly and succinctly explain every aspect of your resume focusing on results. It’s always best to practice with someone who can help you with honest feedback and advice, but record your answers, at the very least, so you can hear (and see) how you might come across in an interview.Your resume and interviewing skills are two things that you should not try to develop without outside input. You want to have at least one other person look over your resume and work with you on your interviewing skills. Someone who will be straightforward and honest with you and who has the ability to offer you good advice and guidance.If you follow this general approach you will land in a good place… a place you were meant to be. A place that meets your personal, professional, and family needs and desires. You can be the person who loves getting up in the morning to get after another great day. You can be the person who loves their job. And most importantly, you can be a person who has survived and thrived after a job loss! Want to Read More Articles Like This One?Sign up here to receive weekly updates from Career Enlightenment, and never miss another powerful job searching tip! SUBSCRIBE! You have Successfully Subscribed!We hate spam too. Unsubscribe any time. Steps to Survive and Thrive a Job Loss1. Take a deep breath and focus on the things you’re are grateful for in your life2. Have short-term goals so you can measure the progress you are making to get where you want to be3. Include exercise or meditation as part of your daily plan in order to have a sound mind body for your search4. Reconnect with your family5. Take time to figure out what you want to do next. You know what you’ve done professionally to this point, now it’s time to consider not only what your professional needs are, but what your personal and family needs are as well6. Seek out as much information as possible about any companies that might be a target for you and find as many people as you can to help with your preparation… Learn to love LinkedIn!7. Use whatever resources you can find to build your resume and LinkedIn profile geared towards the role you are interested in. Get a mentor or coach to look at it and to challenge you to make it a great resume8. Practice interviewing skills, out loud and especially focus on those questi ons you think will be toughest to answer9. Enjoy your life!

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