Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Are Cover Letters Necessary 4 Ways They Land You the Job

Are Cover Letters Necessary 4 Ways They Land You the Job Are Cover Letters Necessary 4 Ways They Land You the Job Cover letters have been a mainstay of the job search process  for years. But are cover letters necessary? The truth is that some recruiters  even  refuse to look at resumes that don’t have accompanying cover letters. Yet, job seekers tend to dislike writing them  because it seems  like a waste of time. For all those who wonder whether cover letters are necessary, this article is for you: there are many ways cover letters work to help you land the job. For HR professionals the cover letter is a peek at the person behind the resume. When you’re plowing through piles of resumes, the cover letter can help give a voice  to the applicant. If you aren’t convinced of the power of the cover letter, check out the ways below that they support you in getting the job. Are cover letters necessary? Yes! Here are four ways they  work to land you the job: 1. They set you apart. When your information is stacked with dozens of other resumes, it can be hard to make yourself stand out. That’s where your cover letter comes in. While your resume speaks for your skills, education, and experience, your cover letter will fill in the blanks. It can help share professional stories, achievements, and explain any issues you think might exist in your resume, such as career gaps or changes. 2. They show your personality. Finding the right fit within a team and a company is often a piece of the puzzle that can be overlooked. Sure, you look great on paper, but when it comes to meshing with the team, it could be a disaster. Using the cover letter to show your personality and who you really are can help show employers how you will be a great fit for the team you want to work on. It could also save you from having to bolt from what you thought would be a great position. 3. They let you state your case. Your cover letter is your introduction- your place to shine and show employers they need you. Use the space available to you to share with employers why you are the one for the job. What do you have to offer? How will you apply it to the position? What are your goals and aspirations? How do you want to work with others in the company? Your cover letter is THE place to sell yourself to get the interview, and have hiring managers fall in love with you. 4. They show you pay attention to detail. Here’s the kicker, cover letters are often used as a testing case for a job. Make sure to read the job description in its entirety. First, a company will say to include a cover letter or not. If they don’t want one, DON’T send one. However, if they do want a cover letter, make sure to include what they have asked for. This is the time to show you pay attention to details and can follow simple instructions. Your cover letter, or lack thereof, can be what moves you forward or holds you back in the hiring process. While submitting a cover letter can be time consuming, it is an important part of applying for a job. Remember, though, not to use a form letter. Clean up the information and target it towards the employer you want to work for and the job you are applying. Taking the time to perfect your cover letter will pay off in the long-term. Start Applying for Flexible Jobs Readers, are cover letters necessary? If you think so, what other ways has your cover letter worked for you? Do you utilize their potential or do you dread sending them? Share with us below!

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