Sunday, December 29, 2019

How to structure an internship program that works for your company

How to structure an fr sichship program that works for your companyHow to structure an internship program that works for your companyFor many young people starting out, internships are a tried and true gateway into a career. One study leides that 59% of internships lead to job offers. Students have the opportunity to participate in the workforce, discover their aptitude and interest in various professions, build social capital, and perhaps match with their future employer. Companies, in turn, have the opportunity to infuse new perspectives and enthusiasm into their teams while seeing the workplace through fresh eyes. At First Workings, our mission is to address the internship access gap in New York City.We set a high bar for success and have overwhelmingly watched students and companies clear that bar. The First Workings interns, who typically come through NYC charter and public schools in traditionally underserved and underrepresented communities, work with prestigious companies lik e Morgan Stanley, NASDAQ, Mount Sinai Hospital, White Case, Bandier, and many others.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreAs we enter our fifth summer internship period, here are some principles that have helped our students and companies meet and exceed their internship goals.Widen your talent pool in eigener sache programs are one of your companys strongest recruiting tools. Weve found that many young people land internships by tapping into the network of people they know, also known as their social capital. Unfortunately, this means that companies can miss out on an enormous population of well-qualified and passionate interns.Be intentional in your recruitment efforts. Seek out diverse student groups on college campuses. Find ways to recruit from and partner with institutions or community-based organizations that serve underrepresented populations in your city.By creating an inc lusive internship structure, companies can broaden the pool of talent available to them, especially among first-generation college students and students of color. With a more diverse talent pool comes more diverse ideas and solutions.Look at the program from your interns perspectivesConsider the structure of your internship experience. Would interns benefit from deep-diving into a specific aspect of the job or rotating between different departments? Think back to what you would have appreciated when you first entered your industry or company.You should also keep in mind the age of the interns you work with. High school interns require different kinds of training programs and support systems than college interns. While college students are more likely to have had previous internships, this may be a high school students first experience in a professional setting.The key here is showing your interns that you value their efforts and insights, and giving them the opportunity to rise to t he occasion. Its really inspiring to see what a young person can accomplish when given the resources, support, and encouragement they need.Get to know your interns Whether youre welcoming one or 100 interns at a time, find ways to personalize the experience.Something as simple as sending a getting to know you questionnaire to your incoming interns before their first day can capture valuable insights for their future supervisors. Ask about their experiences coming into the internship. What do they hope to get out of their time at the company? What are their interests outside of work?To maximize the experience for both parties, strategically pair interns to supervisors and mentors who reflect their professional and personal interests. Help make the experience more personal by taking them out to lunch on the first day, or even finding 15 minutes to share their own background and make an authentic connection with the intern.Allow interns to get involved in company work productIf interns are only responsible for picking up coffee and making copies, youre setting them up for failure, not to mention damaging their idea of the workplace. Whether you work in a corporate or creative setting, theres always room for innovative new ideas. What better place to source these new ideas than from the next generation of the workforce?In addition to assisting their teams on day-to-day projects, allow your interns to get more intimately involved with non-critical, but important, projects. Tell them why their contribution matters. Make aya they understand how their contributions fit into the larger company mission. Some examples of ways to do this are incorporating them into brainstorm sessions, assigning them research tasks, having them help prepare briefs or presentations, or inviting them to sit in on important meetings so they can meet executives or clients.If thats not possible, create stimulated assignments modeled on a real-life project. Give them the opportunity to present their work to senior level executives at the end of their internship.Encourage ongoing feedbackDont save feedback for the exit interview. Communicate with your interns periodically. Let them know what theyre doing well and what they need to work on based on the goals you set at the beginning of the internship. This gives them the chance to actively learn and produce their best possible work, which benefits both parties.Encourage your interns to keep a journal. They should jot down questions as they come up. Tracking daily and long-term projects will come in handy during check-in and more formal evaluations.One of the managers we work with asks his interns to take note of all of the unfamiliar terms that they come across. At the end of the day, they meet and the supervisor explains each term. Aside from being a particularly useful exercise for internships in more nuanced industries like law and finance, it also helps strengthen the relationship between the intern and their managers.O ffer guidance based on your interns needsInternships are always more successful when the intern is prepared for whats ahead. Are there nonprofits or school-based programs that address this issue with whom you can connect?Since 2014, we have placed over 200 teens in highly sought-after internships. Before their first day, we meet with each of our teens several times to address interview skills, inter-office etiquette, professional emails, good social media habits, handshake, etc. We provide them with MetroCards, lunch stipends, and work-appropriate clothes, if needed, to negate some of the financial barriers that might prevent them from having a successful experience. We even bring in improvisational actors to walk our students through how to handle tricky situations at work appropriately.Your summer interns will have varying levels of experience. Offer guidance to those who do not have access to the level of preparation First Workings provides. Managing interns may be time-consuming , but its time well spent.Remember, todays intern will very likely be tomorrows employee. Investing in a positive work environment and fostering strong and supportive relationships will not only feel personally rewarding but will also pay dividends for years to come.Chloe Mullarkey is the founding Executive Director of First Workings, a nonprofit organization helping NYCs students from underserved and underrepresented communities build social capital. First Workings provides tailored training, placement in competitive internships, and comprehensive support to help students foster professional relationships and achieve their full potential academically and professionally. Prior to First Workings, Ms. Mullarkey served as a College Advisor at a high school in the Bronx with the NYU College Advising Corps. A first-generation college student herself, she holds a Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology from NYU Steinhardt and a Master of Public Health (MPH) from Columbia University Mail man School of Public Health.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

These are the industries with the most hungover employees

These are the industries with the most hungover employeesThese are the industries with the most hungover employeesA recent survey of over 1,000 employees explores the impact hangovers have on the labor ecosystem.The price of a great nightLast year, over $41 billion in salary was spent on hangover-induced absenteeism. Of the roughly 157 million Americans currently employed, 75% admitted to heading to work after a night of heavy drinking with the average employee taking about two sicks days a year to deal with their hangovers. This amounts to about $355 per employee annually.The majority of coworkers that come to work sick from a night of too much imbibing are men, 80% to be exact compared to the 70% of women that do so. The report states that despite biological differences in how men and women process alcohol men are mora likely to binge than women are, statistically speaking.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfa ction, Neuroscience, and moreDont be quick to sound off the have-a-go-heroes, because 46% of the respondents that show up to work hungover only pretended to actually do work. Just over 45% of the people that showed up to work with a hangoverspend a significant amount of time in the bathroom, 35% took extra long lunches, 32.5% took an excessive number of breaks, and nearly 20% took naps. This culminates in a statistic listed later in the survey that reveals employees get about five hours of work done when they come in with hangovers.Plus these five hours of work are not guaranteed to contain quality work. Besides the 43.1% of employees that outed their hangovers as an explanation for their lateness, nearly 40% say that their hangovers made them fall asleep while working, nearly 10% missed important deadlines, 9.6% missed important meetings, and 2.6% showed up to get fired for their hazy mistakes.Industries with the most hungover workersMost of the statistics mention above surge when you limit your scope to careers in technology. The average number of sick days used yearly to treat hangovers in the tech industry is eight compared to the national average of two. Construction and legal jobs come in at number two with four days annually each, and marketing and advertising professionals come in at three sick days a year.Thankfully medical and health care professionals boast some of the lowest statics with just one day taken a year from each field.Partiers in the legal field seemed to have the greatest constitution. Over 90% of them weather the storm and come in to work despite their hangovers. However, this group also committed the most mistakes though while hungover (76%.) A little more than 85% of hungover construction workers somehow manage to operate noisy machinery and 83% of workers in transportation and warehouses show up with hangovers.By generation Millennials were found to pretend to do work with hangovers the most, coming in at 48.6%. They also took exten ded lunches the most. And took the most breaksin addition to napping the most.Should you tell your boss if youre hungover?The survey suggests there most likely will be no serious repercussions if youre honest with your boss about your hangover. Of the workers surveyed 66.5% said there were absolutely zero consequences after they filled their boss in. Twenty-three percent were issued a formal warning, 20% were verbally reprimanded and 11.9% were fired.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, December 20, 2019

How to Avoid Personal Assistant Job Scams

How to Avoid Personal Assistant Job ScamsHow to Avoid Personal Assistant Job ScamsPersonal assistantjobs rank highly on the list of sought-after employment. Most of behauptung jobs offer a great deal of flexibility, the potential to work completely from home, interesting clients, and they often pay quite well. Because so many individuals would love a career as a personal assistant, unscrupulous people have launched scams preying on job seekers who think theyve found a genuine personal virtual assistant career opportunity. Personal Assistant Scams Typical personal assistant scams offer generous payment for helping clients transfer money to businessmen at other companies. In reality, these scams consist ofveiled attempts at money-laundering. When they succeed, the unwitting personal assistant ends up taking the fall during federal investigations. The scammers who post these personal assistant ads frequently list a number of work responsibilities that seem to be legitimate, includin g duties like purchasing gifts, running personal errands, and setting appointments. You can identify these scams because they also almost always include an emphasis on sending and/or receiving money or packages. What to Watch Out For For instance, an ad might say that your new employer will send you a check or money order, asking you to forward some of the money while keeping a percentage for yourself. What really takes place is that this money, cleaned through your bank account, gets forwarded right back to the scammer as funds that you have unwittingly made untraceable. The check will prove to be fraudulent, leaving you to pay the funds back to your bank. Other scams ask for a personal assistant who can receive and ship various packages. While the scammer will claim that these packages come from his company, they will, in fact, contain illegal goods. The scammer might even send you a fraudulent check to pay for shipping costs. Not only will you have to pay your bank for the fr audulent check, but you could also be charged with mailing illegal goods. How to Sidestep the Scams To avoid these scams, thoroughly research an employer before applying for a job. Youll find some listings for personal assistants seem extremely vague, simply stating that the employee works from home. You have every right to ask for information regarding the company with which your potential employer does business. If a job advertisement does not contain the specific name of the employer, this should raise a red flag for you to investigate the position further before signing on the dotted line. In some cases, ads may create a fictional persona for the supposed employer. For example, the employer may provide a false name and say that he works as a lawyer, doing business from home. He may also offer fake credentials to try to help himself sound legitimate. In cases like these, make sure that the employer has actually worked on cases or belonged to a real firm. A simple Google searc h can help you find out if the persons career is legitimate or if the potential employer strangely seems to not even exist. Additionally, most scam jobs will accept anyone, right away. If, after submitting your application, you get an immediate answer or have an interview with just a question or two before being offered the job, you should definitely proceed with caution. Scammers are looking for any quick and gullible target and want to get you hired immediately, so they will have a minimal screening process. By asking questions, you identify yourself as informed, and they will move on to other targets. What to Look For in a Real Personal Assistant Job One way to avoid scams is to start your job search using one of the top job sites. It may not be possible to avoid all scams, but using a legitimate job site will help you steer clear of them. Real personal assistant jobs have rigorousapplication processes. Because you will be working closely for someone, often having access to t heir personal information and financial and other sensitive data, a true personal assistant job can take weeks, if not months, to fill. Beyond submitting a resume and cover letter, youll likely need to submit severalprofessional or personal references, agree to abackground checkand drug test, and go through several interviews, either over the phone, via video, or in person. The entire hiring process for a legitimate personal assistant job takes some time as employers are determined to find the right person so that they wont have to reopen the job soon they want a stable and productive employee who will be with them for a while. Do not be discouraged its just a sign that the employers doing her due diligence and that the position is legitimate.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to Answer Job Interview Questions About Multitasking

How to Answer Job Interview Questions About MultitaskingHow to Answer Job Interview Questions About MultitaskingIn a job bewerbungsgesprch, a potential employer might ask you how you handle a situation when you are in the middle of working on a singular task, and you are asked to jump on something else at the same time. This probe is geared toward assessing your ability to multitask. How you answer this question really depends on the job you are applying for, as well as the qualities the potential employer is looking for in an ideal new hire. For example, a television producer or registered nurse must be able to multitask, like a juggler in a circus ring. However, if you are applying to be a copywriter or massage therapist, multitasking is not as much of a concern. What the Interviewer Really Wants to Know In most situations, a hiring manager is asking if you can juggle a few things at once. Its a fair question, especially with the sheer number of phone calls, emails, and meetin gs that can come up on a given day. However, in some lines of work, multitasking is not the ideal. It can mean that your attention is drawn away from your main task, which has a few risks. It may take longer to accomplish a task, and the task may be prone to errors. A person is usually more efficient when allowed to focus on one task at a time. In work, something usually comes up that will derail your concentration on your primary task. Interviewers know that time management can sometimes suffer at the hands of multitasking. How to Answer Job Interview Questions About Multitasking As youre preparing an answer, consider the job description. Would multitasking help in this role, or would it seem like a sign that you cant focus on one thing at a time? Once youve figured out what the interviewer is looking for, match your qualifications to the job and emphasize those skills that are most valuable to the employer. For example, if youre applying for a job as graphic designer on a bus y design team, come to the interview with anecdotes about how you handle multiple deadlines, tasks, and requests. Then, be sure to mention your hard skills, like software programs that are essential to the job. Examples of the Best Answers I like to multitask, in my personal as well as my professional life. I prefer to have many things going on at once. It keeps me interested and moving forward. ExpandWhy It Works Assuming the job for which youre interviewing involves many different tasks and types of work, this answer shows that youre a good fit. You come across like someone whos excited by having a lot of projects, not stressed by dividing their attention. If you want something done, ask a busy person I find gratification in accomplishing more than less, so I prefer to take on a little more. Its better than handling only one issue at a time. Ive learned to batch tasks so that Im focusing on similar activities at the same time. That way, I dont lose time and focus when I switc h tasks. ExpandWhy It Works Task-switching is expensive in terms of time and energy, so if youre going to claim to be a successful multitasker, its a good idea to show that you understand the potential pitfalls and can navigate them. I am best when I am multitasking. When I tackle one problem at a time, I tend to dwell on the solution. Meanwhile, when I have multiple things to accomplish, I am able to focus on the most accurate solution right away. ExpandWhy It Works This answer shows that youre focused on quality, not just quantity. Even in jobs where the ability to multitask is prized, being able to produce good work is important. I prefer to handle one project at a time. It allows me to focus on the task at hand. However, in business, while that would be ideal, the reality is that I need to be able to adjust to outside forces. When a lot of things come at me at once, I create a checklist, which helps me to prioritize and guides me to work on the most pressing needs first. ExpandW hy It Works If youre not great at multitasking and that skill isnt a requirement for the job being up front is your best bet. This response also shows that you can adapt to your environment and develop coping mechanisms that allow you to excel. Tips for Giving the Best Answer Determine whether multitasking is a job requirement. Carefully read the job advertisement, paying close attention to the requirements section. It should be fairly obvious whether this job requires multitasking or singular focus. Emphasize your skills that fit the job description. Show that you can develop mechanisms to cope with challenges. Lets say youre not a natural multitasker, but the ability to juggle multiple projects is a requirement of the job. In this case, talk about what youve done to enable yourself to succeed in that type of environment. What Not to Say Dont stretch the truth. Youre likely to get caught, losing the offer or the job once youre hired. But even if you manage to fake your way into the position, youre unlikely to be happy in your new role. Why? Because youre not a good fit no matter what youve convinced the hiring manager. Avoid appearing scattered. Multitasking effectively means being able to switch focus with efficiency. Make sure that your answer demonstrates that you can complete tasks and achieve goals, not just work on multiple things at once. Possible Follow-Up Questions What is your greatest weakness? Best AnswersWhat is your greatest strength? Best AnswersHow would you describe your work style? Best AnswersDo you work well with other people? Best AnswersHow would you describe the pace at which you work? Best Answers Key Takeaways REVIEW THE JOB DESCRIPTION Look for indications that multitasking (or focusing on one thing) might be valued.PREPARE TO EXPLAIN YOUR PROCESS Not a natural multitasker? Explain how youve learned to task-switch effectively.BE TRUTHFUL IN YOUR RESPONSE Dont claim to have skills you dont possess. Instead, look for opportunities to emphasize your skills.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Key Pieces of General Resume Template

Key Pieces of General Resume Template Theres an abundance of information available both on the net and in libraries and other locations on the topic of resume creation. Before you select the one to use, be certain you look in any way of the example options so that you can be certain the perfect one is decided on with confidence. Such information will be able to help you to better anticipate and meet your customers needs. Your own partal information is ordinarily the very first item on your resume. Start your statement with what you can do to help the employer. The letter of transmittal introduces your company and provides a succinct summary of the proposal. If you opt to produce your own document make sure that you include particulars like your contractor license number and the approximate start and end dates of the undertaking. To compile a great collection of responsibilities from every employer, utilize a different document that you are able to condense and edit before adding the information to your resume. Introducing General Resume Template Volunteering in an amtsstube setting is a remarkable method to get valuable experience that can enable you to qualify for an entry-level clerical position. Resume is being thought to be a highly effective tool to market oneself for a specific job prospect. The Secret to General Resume Template Whatever industry youre in your resume needs the proper language and format to generate an effect. It is possible to create a resume that highlights your soft abilities and also downplays your deficiency of technical abilities and experience. When writing the education section, consider how your education will assist you in the job which youre applying for. Dont be worried if your resume is short on account of your lack of work experience. Explain in detail why you believe youre a great match for the job. Along with resume writing tips you want to have a look at some sample resumes to find a elendion of how you should design and write your resume. For many jobseekers, writing a cover letter is among the most challenging portions of the employment search procedure. A proposal for your own promotion doesnt need to follow a specific format, though it ought to be professional looking and typed. Help on writing your resume can be discovered on the Monster Career-Advice site. Standard resumes are turning into a thing of the past. If you get a military background, it can improve your odds of getting hired with the fire department. 1 thing a lot of people dont understand about writing resumes is you have to be certain it has all the pertinent information to assist you get hired. You may be surprised at the ideas that come to you as youre not working on the portfolio. Through various examples of two week notice letters, you can receive some notion of the way to write them without being made to get a book or employ a professional writer. The True Meaning of General Resume Template Norm al job searches are becoming longer and longer, and thus do not become discouraged. You should discover what sort of job youre seeking and determine what the very best approach to achieve it is. It isnt necessary to list every job youve held before, especially if its not related to the present position or industry youre targeting. If youve ever wanted to understand how to find writing jobs that may not have as much competition, seek out hidden job markets to obtain a benefit. If youre tailoring your resume to a specific job, your very first section could be titled Objective and highlight your unique job objective. Discuss relevant trends in your industry and the way your proposed business can cash in on the newest ideas. Key Pieces of General Resume Template If you realize that you are stuck on a specific component of your work, you always have the option to move to some other endeavor, or stop altogether for some time. Finish with a concise description of your targets and w hat you aspire to achieve if youre hired for the position. Instead, you may use a work objective or focus statement. In the very first reading you need to acquire the overall notion of the essay. General Resume Template - Dead or Alive? Make sure you have the proper spelling and title of the employer and put it to use in the salutation. Include a present contact number and address where you are able to be reached. Showing your interest and the way in which your skills will contribute overall will draw the employer. Keep your referred person updated while youre asking for work. Vital Pieces of General Resume Template Sometimes job postings will give a contact name. Submit your cover letter and resume based on the instructions in the job posting, while its via a web-based program, email or normal mail. To find out more on what it requires to be a General Manager, take a look at our complete General Manager Job Description. For an overall manager resume, you will need to make certain you include some excellent references.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Paper Outline Cover Up

The Paper Outline Cover Up Paper Outline Secrets That No One Else Knows About A raw data must go in the appendix. Its possible to also describe the reach of your research. The abstract is the most essential portion of the report because anybody looking for your research on a database or within a journal will often read no more than the abstract. A research outline template is readily gettable on the web. Whats Actually Going on with Paper Outline When it has to do with fiction writing, ideas are thought of as assets. There are a couple tips on how to compose your abstract but the very best advice is that you look at some journals pertinent to your research and attempt to format your abstract in a similar way. In the event of a lengthier project, it is a challenge to imagine a successful writing process with no obstacles in the event the outline is missing. The general style and tone of your research paper are contingent on the audience it is directed at. In your research paper outline template, dont neglect to include all the keywords that you would love to emphasize in your introduction. An outline is going to be a reminder for you to include all the crucial subtleties in it. So, creation of an outline ought to be the next step after youve decided on your topic. The template is not difficult to customize. You can also see book outline. You might also seeA resume outline. You could also see resume outline. Besides a report outline and a presentation outline, a research paper outline is among the most usual types of outlines youre most likely to encounter in any particular field. Want to Know mora About Paper Outline? Folks tend to opt for a variety of themes of who they are and attempt to describe all of them. You might also see program outline. An outline is essential when a student has to handle a succinct assignment of 1000 words or less. College students should use a suitable numbering for unique sections. Choosing Good Paper Outl ine The paragraphs ought to be double spaced. Nonetheless, in case you have many segments, you want to use another heading or subheading. In addition, the wording in each within each part of your topic outline has to be parallel with one another. Choosing Paper Outline There are various methods and distinct approaches to compose a thesis statement. An outline will allow you to organize your principal thoughts and determine the order in which youre likely to write about them. You can also state what kind of approach it is that you will use in your paper for the full discussion of your topic. The paper should get off to a good beginning with regard to clarifying unfamiliar information as not to depart from your readers puzzled. The paper needs to be consistent from the start to the very end. The thesis statement ought to be complete, and the remainder of the paper ought to be in line with it. An outline is intended to help you set a structure for a paper you are likely to write. Sooner or later, you will find that the entire research paper examples will allow you to start and get you moving in the correct direction for you to reach the finest possible mark you are able to. Writing form that isnt factual is called fiction writing. The Introduction should contain your thesis statement or the subject of your research and the objective of your study. Creating an outline is an essential point for virtually any paper writing. Writing an outline is a rather effective approach to think through how you are going to organize and present the info in your essay. Completing an MLA outline will make sure your research paper format is accurate. Basically, APA format is utilized in the social sciences. however, it is not only limited to social sciences alone. The MLA format stipulates the vital guidelines for effectively writing an essay based on the MLA standards. New Ideas Into Paper Outline Never Before Revealed Keep in mind it is an outline of your pri mary paper therefore it will cover all the vital facets of your paper. Youve got to compose several academic papers over the span of a year. Therefore its as crucial as you main paper so that you cannot take it for granted. You need to know how to address it even before you commence writing your paper. Possessing a Research proposal outline example provides the essential boost to the success of the paper. Developing a fantastic outline is important in a more composing of your research paper. Possessing a perfect outline increases the likelihood of you presenting a research paper thats well written.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Psychology career fact sheet

Psychology career fact sheet Psychology career fact sheetPosted November 8, 2013, by Molly Wiltshire-BridlePsychology ResourcesClinical psychologist sample resumeClinical psychologist sample cover letterCareer Insider StoriesDr Mona Taouk - Medical Science LiaisonTanya Nasr - PsychologistInterested in becoming a?Marketing OfficerTeam LeaderHuman Resources ManagerCommunity WorkerCounsellorPopular Career Searcheswhere can i study bachelor of psychology in brisbanepsychology course of perthpsychology degree of perthbachelor of behavioural studies psychology onlineecu psychology servicesPsychology CoursesBachelor of Psychological Science and SociologyEnquire Online Enquire OnlineGraduate Diploma in PsychologyEnquire Online Enquire OnlineGraduate Diploma of Psychology AdvancedEnquire Online Enquire OnlineGraduate Diploma of PsychologyEnquire Online Enquire OnlineMolly Wiltshire-BridleRelated ArticlesBrowse moreCreative Mornings with Ben Chestnut VideoLove what you do, dont do what you lov e is the motto of Ben Chestnut, CEO and co-founder of Watch Chestnut discuss his success and tips for a creative workplace in this talk for CreativeMornings.Online studyBest places to study an education courseChoosing a course can be difficult so weve done some of the research for you with our top picks for your study area. Heres what we think are the best Australian education/teaching courses on offer.EngineeringAustralian engineering innovations 4Almost 200,000 people worldwide now enjoy the sense of hearing thanks to this amazing feat of Australian engineering.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Relieving the Ordeal of Surgery

Relieving the Ordeal of Surgery Relieving the Ordeal of Surgery Relieving the Ordeal of SurgerySurgery can be an ordeal. Theres the preparation, the cost, and then the long hours that can come with rehab. And often, after all of this, the patient learns they have an infection and will have to do go through the grueling steps of the surgery all over again. Now thats a whole different definition of ordeal. Prof. Eric Ledet leads a project at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute involving sensors to try to help with the frustrating issue of infection.Infections are difficult to eradicate once they are established, because implants make a breeding ground, Ledet explains. Its a great surface for bacteria to adhere and, once it adheres, it makes biofilm thats almost impossible to get rid of. What normally happens is they remove the implant and leave them without one until the infection is gone and then put a fresh one in. The value of this is if we can do early detection of an SSI s urgical site infection then we can eliminate the bacteria from making bioform and the infection becomes much easier to eradicate through antibiotics. We hope to help people to not go through multiple surgeries.For about 15 years, Ledet, associate professor in the department of biomedical engineering, has been striving in the area of orthopedic work. Weve been focused on getting information from implants and we were interested in the biomechanics of orthopedic implants and what happens after it goes in. So were looking for ways to do those measurements, he says. The way our sensors work is they measure very small changes in their own deformation.Implantable wireless sensors that help monitoring recovery from surgery. Image Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute In the course of their research, they found a hydrogel that is sensitive to bacteria, and sensitive to the antigens found in the bacteria. The real breakthrough will come in measuring the swelling of this bacteria via sen sor. As far as testing, we made up some of the hydrogel first to see if it would work and were in the process of going through the steps right now, he says. We use a chemical thats a surrogate for the antigen and were formulating hydrogels. Its about optimizing when it comes to a peptide. Of course, if all goes well, there would be much more testing, including getting to the implanting in vivo stage. The most daunting task may be getting to the clinical stage, he says. There is a challenge to using something small and inexpensive and we need a sensor that will be sensitive enough to infections at clinical levels, he says. A lab can measure but you just need those clinically relevant levels.If they are successful, it would be a moment to savor, he says. This is rewarding research to have a clinical target for this, he says. You want to work on something translational and see the benefit for those dealing with this kind of pain.Eric Butterman is an independent writer.Lear n about the latest trends in bioengineering at ASMEs in aller welt Congress onNanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology. For Further Discussion This is rewarding research to have a clinical target for this. You want to work on something translational and see the benefit for those dealing with this kind of pain.Prof. Eric Ledet, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why the Tech Skills Gap Is an Opportunity for Those Willing to Learn 

Why the Tech Skills Gap Is an Opportunity for Those Willing to Learn Why the Tech Skills Gap Is an Opportunity for Those Willing to Learn But itsnot all doom and gloom the job opportunities are therefor those who are willing to train in sought-after skills like Web development and UX design.Sypros Fotiou is one of the new generation of DIY career-builders who recognized the tech skills gap and saw an opportunity for a career change. One of CareerFoundrys recent success stories, Spyros had been unemployed for some time, despite having racked up the hours studying electrical and computer engineering at university. All of the jobs he wanted to apply torequired skills he didnt specifically have. He weighed his options and decided his best option was to sign up for tech boot camp. In just a few months, Spyros had completed CareerFoundrys Web development coursebefore he knew it, he had become a busy freelance programmer.Society as a whole dependsmora and more on technology in every aspec t of life fromstudying to working, leisure timeto socializing which means the variety of jobs available to those in the know isalmost limitless. The jobs arent confined to the tech industry alone every industry is crying out for talented techies, from the sciences to the arts, retail to business.Every industry now relies on technology more than ever before, and this reliance is only growing. Programmer Spyros Fotiou hard at workIt has become the role of tech boot camps and online educators who have stepped in where universities and schools have failed to teach skills to a generation that isstruggling to find work in this creative, challenging, and lucrative industry.Where Can You Learn?There are numerous online and offline options for those who are willing to grasp this opportunity with both hands. For those without the access or financial support to attend an offline coding school, the Internet offers many online options,both paid and free.OfflineIf techis a total career change for you, a good way to abflug is to look out for upcoming tech events in your area. Hackathonsare happening all over the world every week, and they are worth checking out to see whats involved and what aspects of development and design might be of interest to you. Local and global tech conferences such as Campus Partyalso usually have free codingworkshops to give people a taste of whats involved. Volunteering at the event usually gets you a free access pass to all areas This is a great way to see whats going on in the industry and rub shoulders with some of techs brightest stars.Theres a whole other article to be written about women in code, but in the meantime, check out nonprofit organization Rails Girl,whichoffers free Ruby on Rails workshops across the globe with the sole purpose of getting more women into tech.General Assembly is an offline coding school that immerses students in technology from day one, with programming experts teaching and supporting eachclass.OnlineMany onl ine platforms will offer ashort courseas a free sample to give you a taste of their learning options. There are also numerous websites likeCodecademy and Coursera, which offer free Web-based tutorials to get you started on the path to your new career. If that doesnt suit you, there are dozens of free apps you can download that will help you practice new skillson your phone, on the train, and on your way to what will soon be your old job.CareerFoundry is an immersive program that offers comprehensive online training in Web development and UX Design. Students can learn at their own pace and from whatever location they choose. Importantly, CareerFoundryaims to get people jobs, so students are mentored throughout the program to create a portfolio project that becomes their first work sample as theylaunch theirnew has been around for almost twenty years and offers thousands of courses to millions of users. Fees are paid monthly and give you access to alibrary of online courses that covers software design, programming languages, game design, and more.As you are learning the skills and once you have completed the training you will inevitably discover that the tech community is a very active and engaged crowd of people. There are regular eventsin big cities and small towns across the globe every single day. There are always enthusiastic programmers, designers, and general tech heads that will be more than happy to chat with you about the learning process, career opportunities, or just cool tech stuff in general.Ifyou have even the slightest interest in tech or if youhave had any doubts about your current career now is as good a time as ever to start changing your plans. In just a few months you could have a brand new career and belong to a new exciting community that will carry you effortlessly into the future. As long as the tech skills gap exists, learning opportunities will continue to flourish and a new career in tech will be yoursfor the tak ing.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How to Include Numbers in a Resume

How to Include Numbers in a Resume How to Include Numbers in a Resume Want to get the hiring manager’s attention? When you’re working in a job where your achievements are quantified, including numbers on your resume is the best way to get your application noticed. For example, if you’re in sales, listing how you exceeded your goals is a sure-fire way to impress a prospective employer. Showing what you achieved in a quantifiable way is important for other types of jobs, as well. Even if you aren’t in a role where you are evaluated on your quantifiable achievements, numbers on your resume can help you get the interview. Why? Because incorporating numbers into your resume shows employers, at a glance, what you have accomplished at work. It’s one thing to say that you’re good at your job. It’s another thing to demonstrate that you can accomplish your goals and exceed expectations. It’s All in the Numbers Adding numbers to your resume is a great way to prove to employers that you have legitimate accomplishments in your work history.  Of course, not all of your achievements will be quantifiable, but many of them will be. Your goal is to figure out which numbers are the most crucial to your success and the best language to use in order to frame your achievements. Tips for Including Numbers on Your Resume What’s the best way to include numbers on your resume? Start by identifying any outcomes for your team that would be considered key indicators of success. Ask yourself what the bottom-line considerations are for your department. (Not sure? Ask your colleagues for their insight. They might have an entirely different perspective to offer.) For example, your departments success might be measured by one or more of the following factors: New clients acquiredSales revenueCost reductionCost savingsIncrease in page viewsIncrease in profitsIncrease in user engagementLevel of donationsNumber of cases closedClient retentionCustomer ratingsCustomer satisfactionComplaints resolvedBillable hoursNumber of safety violations  Audit findingsReduction in overtime costsRetention of employeesLoss prevention reductionStaff moraleCredentials of a class of recruitsTest scores by studentsResponse time Next, select the bottom-line areas that are most impacted by your individual work. Quantify the change over time resulting from your actions. Establish a baseline for any of the indicators that you have chosen. The baseline might be tied to the calendar such as the beginning of the year or a business quarter. If you have implemented a new initiative, then the baseline would be the state of things right before that activity began.   Use Action Words Select action words which imply change to start out your phrases like increased, reduced, enhanced, expanded, eliminated, added, compressed, minimized, pruned, lessened, shrunk, downsized, augmented, grew, elevated, enlarged, diminished or shortened. (Need more examples? Heres a list of action words to get you started.) How to Quantify the Change Quantify the change by selecting a figure to represent the change that you have helped to generate.  For example: Shortened wait time for new customers by 20%Increased billable hours in the third quarter by 15% If you have trouble assigning an exact number, then you might use some language that frames the change as an approximation or range. For example: Increased test scores by at least 10 pointsIncreased test scores by 10-20 points Include How You Got the Results Include some reference to how you were able to generate the results that you are quantifying to increase the impact of your statements. For example: Increased sales by 15% after implementing a referral incentive programElevated the average customer rating from 4.0 to 4.5 after instituting a new customer service training program More Options for Including Numbers on a Resume Another way to incorporate numbers into your resume is to represent the magnitude of your output or responsibilities regardless of whether you can cite a change in key indicators. For example: Generated an average of 110 billable hours each month over the first six months of the yearTaught mathematics to over 120 sixth-grade students including 12 students who had been diagnosed with learning disabilities You may include numerical indicators of commitment to your work if you are willing to perpetuate that pattern with a new employer. For example, you could say: Worked 17 consecutive days to complete project on time and under budgetWorked an average of 55 hours a week to complete the audit before the end of the year Back Up Your Resume With Facts Make sure the numbers that you incorporate into your resume are accurate and will be supported by your references. Share your resume with references so they are aware of your specific assertions. Save any documents like performance appraisals or sales reports that confirm your numbers.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A New Way of Thinking About Career Satisfaction Ditch the Passion Obsession

A New Way of Thinking About Career Satisfaction Ditch the Passion Obsession A New Way of Thinking About Career Satisfaction Ditch the Passion Obsession 1People often hear the advice that choosing a career in line with one’s passion is the best way to ensure career satisfaction. This mode of thought has indeed helped many job seekers land rewarding positions, from parlaying a lifelong obsession with fashion into becoming a designer to realizing all those happy hours spent experimenting in your kitchen could be taken to the next level as a professional chef. But not everyone who thoughtfully ponders passions arrives at answers to career dilemmas. Even after trying techniques such as examining childhood interests, thinking about current hobbies, and evaluating what others praise them for, many people do not have an “aha” moment- and they feel frustrated. Instead of stressing about finding one’s passion, might a better idea be shifting that energy elsewhere, at least for now? Here’s a look at promoting career contentment using alternate strategies:   Focus on the company rather than the position. As this Forbes article notes, pinpointing the type of business for which you’d like to work may be easier than defining the work you’d like to do. Maybe you’re invigorated by the hustle of startups or would be proud to contribute at a nonprofit with a cause close to your heart. Employment at such a place can be rewarding in and of itself, but you’ll also get a firsthand glimpse of the various roles within the organization. One of those might turn out to be your dream job. Pay attention to the people element. Those around us oftentimes play a vital role in our happiness. Spend some time thinking about interactions you’d find pleasant, inspiring, or meaningful. “I find the first area to explore in careers is to ask what types of people you want 360 degrees around you. Not just bosses, peers, subordinates, but also the people you serve such as customers and clients and even the people you rely on such as vendors or outside professionals,” says Duncan Mathison, co-author of Unlock the Hidden Job Market: 6 Steps to a Successful Job Search When Times Are Tough. “The people issue can make or break career happiness. Do you like them? Do you admire them? Do you care about them, or their problems or issues?” Don’t discount baby steps. Rather than assume a be-all-end-all job exists, try taking action towards improvement rather than perfection. “Think in terms of shaping your career through a process of less and more. Seek career steps that have less of what you dont like and more of what you do like. Sometimes this can be done within your current job, department, or organization. Other times it requires a bigger move,” Mathison says. Keep exploring. Why do so many children want to be teachers and policemen? Part of the reason is because those occupations are highly visible in their world. It’s difficult to envision yourself in a job you don’t even know exists. Apply this reasoning to your own quest for career satisfaction. Browse job postings just to see what’s out there. Take classes to gain exposure to new ideas and advance your skills. Ask people you meet what they do and how they got into their field. Become a curious, life-long learner for its own sake- and along the way, you might bump into answers about what you truly want to do. Find a job that fits your lifestyle   Browse Open Flexible Jobs

Monday, November 18, 2019

Common Mistakes Made When Creating Meta Titles

Common Mistakes Made When Creating Meta Titles Common Mistakes Made When Creating Meta Titles A meta title shows the name of a web page. The title is displayed by the browser, usually at the top of your computer screen, and tells a reader what page they are on. Meta titles are also read by search engine robots and seen by site visitors. Because of this, its important to have a strong title in consideration of search engines, but one that still makes sense to your human website visitors. The meta title was once very important for helping the page rank higher in search engine returns, and many webmasters wrote them to cater only to search engine robots initially without much regard for how it read to website visitors. Meta titles should make sense to the reader, but the wording should also be based on keyword search popularity and relevance to the rest of the web page including other metadata and content.  Meta titles are should also sound natural to the reader. What to Avoid When Creating Meta Titles The biggest mistakes you could make include the following: Not creating any page title at all.Making titles too long. Long page titles are truncated, and search engines stop reading after a certain number of characters. Limit your title to a maximum of 55 characters, including spaces and punctuation.Naming your page the same name as your website or business name.Naming all your pages the same name, or something similar to each other.Naming the page without connecting it to your content and other metadata.Repeating keywords in titles. If you are having trouble figuring out what keywords to focus on, you can use keyword selector tools and keyword density tools to help you write your meta title. Examples of Bad Meta Titles The following example meta titles are too vague and do not give search engine robots or your website readers enough information: FlowersPopulation StatisticsChocolate IndulgenceTax Tips Examples of Good Meta Titles Easy Tips on Growing Flowering Shrubs2018 Population Statistics, Number of People In U.S.Award-Winning Coca Chocolate Cake  Recipe  Tax Advice, How to Pay Less In Taxes Note that the above title tags accomplish three things: They help robots understand what is most important about the content on the page by repeating part of the keyword phrases that would be found in article titles and content.They make sense to the people who are reading them.They afford a greater opportunity to appear in search because they use different words meaning the same or similar things without actually repeating them. And, they use plurals, when appropriate. How Long Should a Meta Title Be? Search engine robots may only read a certain number of characters in certain types of metadata, and then ignore the rest and just move on. Different search engines read different numbers of characters, but if you keep your titles no more than 55 characters, you will make major search engine robots happy.  Although Google sometimes seems to stop just shy of 55 characters based on their chosen font and how much linear space individual characters take up, aim for 55 characters, and you should be fine. Tips for Creating Powerful Meta Titles Consider the following when creating meta titles: Repeat keyword ideas in different words, no more than twice. Keywords shouldnt be identical within the same metadata string.Tie-in phrases to your content and other metadata.Use plurals and word variations when possible.Limit the use of punctuation.Use initial caps throughout the title. Other Considerations When writing meta titles just ask yourself how it sounds when you read it out loud. Does it make sense? Would others know what you are talking about? If not, then you are thinking too hard about appeasing search engines and not enough about your audience.  In the end, you are much better off creating human-friendly meta title.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

I studied buttons for 7 years and learned these 5 lessons

I studied buttons for 7 years and learned these 5 lessons I studied buttons for 7 years and learned these 5 lessons All day every day, throughout the United States, people push buttons â€" on coffee makers, TV remote controls and even social media posts they “like.” For more than seven years, I’ve been trying to understand why, looking into where buttons came from, why people love them â€" and why people loathe them.As I researched my recent book, “Power Button: A History of Pleasure, Panic, and the Politics of Pushing,” about the origins of American push-button society, five main themes stood out, influencing how I understand buttons and button-pushing culture.1. Buttons aren’t actually easy to useJust give it a try. George Eastman Museum/Wikimedia CommonsIn the late 19th century, the Eastman Kodak Company began selling button-pushing as a way to make taking photographs easy. The company’s slogan, “You press the button, we do the rest,” suggested it wouldn’t be hard to use newfangled technological devices. This advertising campaign paved the way for the public to engage in amateur photography â€" a hobby best known today for selfies.Yet in many contexts, both past and present, buttons are anything but easy. Have you ever stood in an elevator pushing the close-door button over and over, hoping and wondering if the door will ever shut? The same quandary presents itself at every crosswalk button. Programming a so-called “universal remote” is often an exercise in extreme frustration. Now think about the intensely complex dashboards used by pilots or DJs.For more than a century, people have been complaining that buttons aren’t easy: Like any technology, most buttons require training to u nderstand how and when to use them.Pilots need a lot of training and practice to know what to do with all those buttons. U.S. Air Force/Kelly White2. Buttons encourage consumerismThe earliest push buttons appeared on vending machines, as light switches and as bells for wealthy homeowners to summon servants.At the turn of the 20th century, manufacturers and distributors of push-button products often tried to convince customers that their every whim and desire could be gratified at a push â€" without any of the mess, injury or effort of previous technologies like pulls, cranks or levers. As a form of consumption, button pushing remains pervasive: People push for candy bars and tap for streaming movies or Uber rides.Just press here and get more detergent. Alexander Klink/Wikimedia Commons, CC BYAmazon’s “Dash” button takes push-button pleasure to the extreme. It’s tempting to think about affixing single-purpose buttons around your house, ready to instantly reorder toilet paper or laundry detergent. But this convenience comes at a price: Germany recently outlawed Dash buttons, because they don’t let customers know how much they’ll pay when they place an order.3. Button-pushers are often seen as abusiveThroughout my research, I discovered that people worry that buttons will fall into the wrong hands or be used in socially undesirable ways. My children will push just about any button within their reach â€" and sometimes those not within reach, too. The children of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were the same. People often complained about children honking automobile horns, ringing doorbells and otherwise taking advantage of buttons that looked fun to press.Adults, too, often received criticism for how they pushed. In the past, managers triggered ire for using push-button bells to keeping their employees at their beck and call, like servants. More recently there are stories in the news about disgraced figures like Matt Lauer using buttons to control the comings and goings of his staff, taking advantage of a powerful position.4. Some of the most-feared buttons aren’t realBeginning in the late 1800s, one of the most common fears registered about buttons involved warfare and advanced weapons: Perhaps one push of a button could blow up the world.Fortunately, starting a nuclear war is a bit harder than this. rogistok/Shutterstock.comThis anxiety has persisted from the Cold War to the present, playing prominently in movies like “Dr. Strangelove” and in news headlines. Although no such magic button exists, it’s a potent icon for how society often thinks about push-button effects as swift and irrevocable. This concept is also useful in geopolitics. As recently as 2018, President Donald Trump bragged to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un over Twitter that “I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger more powerful one than his, and my Button works!”5. Not a lot has changed in more than a centuryAs I completed my book, I was struck by how much voices of the past echoed those of the present when discussing buttons. Since the 1880s, American society has deliberated about whether button pushing is a desirable or dangerous form of interaction with the world.Persistent concerns remain about whether buttons make life too easy, pleasurable or rote. Or, on the flip side, observers wor ry that buttons increase complexity, forcing users to fiddle unnecessary with “unnatural” interfaces.Not so fast, Staples. StaplesYet as much as people have complained about buttons over the years, they remain stubbornly present â€" an entrenched part of the design and interactivity of smartphones, computers, garage door openers, car dashboards and videogame controllers.As I suggest in “Power Button,” one way to remedy this endless discussion about whether buttons are good or bad is to instead begin paying attention to power dynamics â€" and the ethics â€" of push buttons in everyday life. If people begin to examine who gets to push the button, and who doesn’t, in what contexts, under which conditions, and to whose benefit, they might begin to understand buttons’ complexity and importance.Power Button: A History of Pleasure, Panic and the Politics of PushingMIT Press provides funding as a member of The Conversation US.Rachel Plotnick, Assistant Professor of Cinema and Media Studies, Indiana UniversityThis article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the orig inal article.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Design a Winning Job Application With Our Landscape Worker Resume Template for Word

Design a Winning Job Application With Our Landscape Worker Resume Template for Word Design a Winning Job Application With Our Landscape Worker Resume Template for Word Introduction To let potential employers know about your excellent professional experience, skills, and accomplishments, you first must grab their attention and hold it. You can do this with a great resume, like the one shown with our landscape worker resume template for Word. Keep reading to learn how to format relevant information hiring managers need to know and write key sections of your document, such as the summary statement, skills, work history, and education segments.Landscape Worker Resume Template for Word Archie JonesBurlington, VT 11111E: P: 555* Landscape worker with eight years’ experience in maintaining and caring for outdoor environments* Expert in the installation of sprinklers, masonry walls, and pond features* Strong connection with and love of the natural contours of naturePerfect Your Skills SectionThe skills segment is a succinct listing of your skills that are relevant to the job opening. The landscape worker resume template for Word g ives you a clearer understanding of this section, but here are some specific best practices: Read the job description closely, and pay attention to what skills are required and the order in which they’re listed. List job description skills you possess in the same order in which they’re included, which is an excellent way to show how well you fit the position. Use keywords exactly as they’re written in the job description, which gets you past applicant tracking systems. Include only skills relevant to the job for which you’re applying. These are some top skills in your industry; include those relevant to you: * Proficient in relevant software programs, including spreadsheets* Adept at operating equipment and systems * Obtaining and synthesizing informationPolish Your Work History SectionList previous professional experience in the work history or experience section briefly and clearly. Be sure to include accomplishments as well as duties. Study the landscape worker resume tem plate for Word for direction, but read these quick tips first. Begin every line with a strong action verb. For example, instead of saying “was responsible for a team of three people,” say “led a team of three people.” Include names of awards and honors you have received, and use metrics when possible. So, rather than writing “I saved the company money,” write “discovered an accounting error and saved the company $5,000 annually.” How many acres do you tend? Include only relevant work experience. If you don’t have much, find ways to make previous experience relevant. For example, include your ability to educate customers about plants as a nursery employee on your landscape worker resume. Here are some good examples for writing a landscape worker experience section: Landscape Worker â€" Caldicott Mansion â€" Smithfield, NH2014 to PresentBachelor of Science, Goddard College, Burlington, Vermont2012CertificationsSpecialization in Natural Resources, Goddard College, Bu rlington, Vermont2007

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Comprehensive Work-from-Home Scams List

A Comprehensive Work-from-Home Scams List A Comprehensive Work-from-Home Scams List 4 The following work-from-home scams list is comprised of job scams that have been around for years, as well as job scams that are newer and more complex. Some of the newer scams are well designed and are hard for even the most experienced job seekers to spot. If you are using job sites other than (where we work hard to ensure a scam-free experience!) in your job search, this work-from-home scams list should help guide you away from anything questionable. Avoiding Job Scams: A Comprehensive Work-from-Home Scams List for Job Seekers Branding Scams Branding scams are becoming more popular and are created by copying a brand to trick job seekers into thinking they are the real company. Fake Identity/Copycat Scams Similar to branding scams, there are job scams where people or groups of people pose as a company despite the fact that they have NO affiliation. Read more about copycat job scams here. Paying for a Job If you have to pay a startup fee or pay to be hired, more than likely the job is a scam. A legitimate job pays you, not the other way around. Text Message/IM Job Offers Technology has made it possible to connect with people, regardless of location. Some job scams send job opportunities through text message or instant message. Fake URL Each company has a unique domain name, but there are scams out there that use a companys name and include it in a generic URL. For (REAL) (FAKE). LinkedIn Prowling Social media, including LinkedIn, is huge for job searching and recruiting. While many legitimate recruiters make contact through LinkedIn and even sites like Twitter and Facebook, its important to research the recruiter and company before responding, because scammers use these platforms, too. Phishing Emails, texts, phone calls, instant messages. You name it, and there is a phishing scam. If a job is requiring you to click a specific link or is asking for detailed personal and financial information, its trying to collect your sensitive information for malicious use. Money Movement Not only is this a job scam, but it can land you in some legal hot water. There are no legitimate jobs that require you to receive money, keep a portion, and send the rest on. Package Processing Similar to money movement, package processing could be borderline illegal, requiring you to receive, process, and send packages of which you have little knowledge. Envelope Stuffing While sending out correspondence may be PART of a job, legitimate jobs do not have people sitting from home stuffing envelopes all day. Unfortunately, these scams rarely follow through with promised payments. Product Assembly These scams promise you work assembling various products for different companies. Often you have to pay for a list of companies looking for your assembly services. However, once you pay for the list, you rarely find the work you thought you would. Unsolicited Job Offers As a job seeker, you should be keeping track of the jobs you apply for. This is especially helpful since one job scam involves receiving unsolicited job offers. If you havent applied for and interviewed for a job, dont accept the offer. No Verifiable Information You found your dream job, but upon further inspection you can’t find ANYTHING about the company. If you can’t verify a phone number, location, web address, employees, or social media channels, you’re looking at a scam. Real companies will have some web presence. Large Salary and No Work “Make $10,000 a week and you only have to work one day!” Yeah, sure. Let’s be real here. Work is work. To make money will require real time and real effort. Generic Job Description Job descriptions are where companies are outlining an exact position. Generic job descriptions will have few details, probably be void of contact information, and will sound like you could do it in your sleep. Generic Email Address Very rarely should you ever see a job offer come through from a personal email address such as Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, iCloud, or Outlook. Recruiters and other professionals will use their company emails to conduct business. Unfortunately, job scams feed off the desperate feelings most job seekers experience. And, because of this desperation and fear, many people fall victim to scams. Despite the need for a job, make sure to do your due diligence, even if it means taking more time in your search. In the end, it is better to be safe and protect your identity while job searching. Readers, which of the above job scams from the work-from-home scams list have you heard of? Have you even found a job scam during your search? Share with us below!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Robotic Co-Workers Do the Heavy Lifting

Robotic Co-Workers Do the Heavy Lifting Robotic Co-Workers Do the Heavy Lifting Robotic Co-Workers Do the Heavy Lifting At BMW, robots have their human co-workers backs. The automaker is beginning human-robot collaboration at its U.S. production headquarters and its eight German factories, with an eye toward assigning robots the repetitive tasks and the heavy lifting and letting humans use their brains and save their backs. In the past, man and machine worked in separated areas at BMW, cordoned off by protective fences. But in the last five years, this setup has changed, says Harald Krüger, a member of the BMW management board. Across the BMW plants, nearly 60 lightweight robots and a few heavy industrial robots now share their surroundings with humans and without protective devices that formerly separated them. To keep everyone safe, the robots run at a low speed within a defined environment and they stop immediately when their sensors detect an obstacle in their way, Krüger adds. Collaborative robots enable us to create new forms of process-layout design, Krüger says. Robots that assist production workers in labor-intensive tasks will characterize the factory of the future, he adds. They have the strength and mechanical accuracy; and they perfectly complement humans flexibility, intelligence, and sensitivity. The kickoff began five years ago with BMWs first lightweight robot, which took its place among the workers at its assembly line in Spartanburg, SC. Stefan Bartscher, a BMW innovation manager in Munich, Germany, developed the project along with robotics producer Universal Robot. The collaborative robots will stop working the second their sensors detect someone nearby or another obstruction. Image: BMW Miss Charlotte, as the line crew calls their robot, still-mounts sound insulation to doors. Three others have since joined her. Together with human workers, they equip the insides of BMW X3 doors with sound and moisture insulation. The sealing protects the electronics in the door and the entire vehicle interior against moisture. Assembly line workers do their jobs first. They fix the insulation in place, by affixing a foil with an adhesive bead inside the door. They then press it into place, Bartscher says. Formerly, workers then used a manual roller to press it even more firmly to the door, a labor-intensive and repetitive task. But today, robotic arms equipped with roller heads perform the task, which requires maximum precision. Plant managers can exactly and continually measure the rolling power used to fix the insulation in place, Bartscher adds. At the BMW plant in Leipzig, Germany, lightweight robots apply adhesive to automobiles front windows. The task is particularly challenging because the viscous adhesive must be spread over the large glass surface in one go and without any fluctuation in film thickness, a task collaborative robots are up for and good at, Bartscher says. While theyre not so good at overseeing inspections, they are good at lifting heavy things. So humans and robots work together on that job at the BMW plant in Landshut, Germany, which makes the crankshaft housing for all BMW vehicles. BMW executives there knew that automating the quality process could protect employees who lugged the components into place for inspection and then held them into position. That lifting, lugging, and holding could be hard on the body, Krüger says. Even with the automated process, skilled workers still needed to keep a watchful eye on inspections. To combine robotic automation with human brainpower and sight, automation company MRK-Systeme GmbH of Augsburg, Germany, built two identical applications in the inspection area. At the plant, an employee controls one robot via a joystick rigged to maneuver the components into position to be inspected for faults. No more lifting for employees, Krüger says. But large-scale, industrial robots arent left out of the collaboration process, he notes. In the transmission installation unit at the automakers Regensburg, Germany, factory, workers lead a large robot to the screw-bonding station. First, a laser-based system guides the robot into place, then, its human guide places it with more exactness and makes minute adjustments, Krüger says These collaborations show that, although robots dont have brains, by saving their fellow co-workers muscle strain and backache, they sure do have a heart. Jean Thilmany is an independent writer. For Further Discussion Robots that assist production workers in labor-intensive tasks will characterize the factory of the future.Harald Krüger, BMW

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Are Cover Letters Necessary 4 Ways They Land You the Job

Are Cover Letters Necessary 4 Ways They Land You the Job Are Cover Letters Necessary 4 Ways They Land You the Job Cover letters have been a mainstay of the job search process  for years. But are cover letters necessary? The truth is that some recruiters  even  refuse to look at resumes that don’t have accompanying cover letters. Yet, job seekers tend to dislike writing them  because it seems  like a waste of time. For all those who wonder whether cover letters are necessary, this article is for you: there are many ways cover letters work to help you land the job. For HR professionals the cover letter is a peek at the person behind the resume. When you’re plowing through piles of resumes, the cover letter can help give a voice  to the applicant. If you aren’t convinced of the power of the cover letter, check out the ways below that they support you in getting the job. Are cover letters necessary? Yes! Here are four ways they  work to land you the job: 1. They set you apart. When your information is stacked with dozens of other resumes, it can be hard to make yourself stand out. That’s where your cover letter comes in. While your resume speaks for your skills, education, and experience, your cover letter will fill in the blanks. It can help share professional stories, achievements, and explain any issues you think might exist in your resume, such as career gaps or changes. 2. They show your personality. Finding the right fit within a team and a company is often a piece of the puzzle that can be overlooked. Sure, you look great on paper, but when it comes to meshing with the team, it could be a disaster. Using the cover letter to show your personality and who you really are can help show employers how you will be a great fit for the team you want to work on. It could also save you from having to bolt from what you thought would be a great position. 3. They let you state your case. Your cover letter is your introduction- your place to shine and show employers they need you. Use the space available to you to share with employers why you are the one for the job. What do you have to offer? How will you apply it to the position? What are your goals and aspirations? How do you want to work with others in the company? Your cover letter is THE place to sell yourself to get the interview, and have hiring managers fall in love with you. 4. They show you pay attention to detail. Here’s the kicker, cover letters are often used as a testing case for a job. Make sure to read the job description in its entirety. First, a company will say to include a cover letter or not. If they don’t want one, DON’T send one. However, if they do want a cover letter, make sure to include what they have asked for. This is the time to show you pay attention to details and can follow simple instructions. Your cover letter, or lack thereof, can be what moves you forward or holds you back in the hiring process. While submitting a cover letter can be time consuming, it is an important part of applying for a job. Remember, though, not to use a form letter. Clean up the information and target it towards the employer you want to work for and the job you are applying. Taking the time to perfect your cover letter will pay off in the long-term. Start Applying for Flexible Jobs Readers, are cover letters necessary? If you think so, what other ways has your cover letter worked for you? Do you utilize their potential or do you dread sending them? Share with us below!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Using Resume Profile Statement

Using Resume Profile Statement Include an Education resume section to the peak of your document. The resumes for college students should be shown in a well written format with the suitable use of words and grammar. Read aloud what you've written so you can see thoroughly that you haven't missed out any critical point. Paired with a cover letter, you're guaranteed to land at the peak of the interview pile! If you do a resume example search, you will likewise find cover letter examples also. You just need to select the one which you have to use and then use your resume example in order to produce the very best letter for your resume. Rather than stating what you would like, make the previous sentence of the profile statement all about your urge to add to the employer. Such statements makes employer think what type of doing suites you instead of what you could do. After all, it's intended to supply a clear, concise statement outlining the kind of employment you seek. So, by combining three aforementioned parts you will receive a strong and persuasive profile statement prepared to impress every hirer. Knowledge sharing could possibly be difficult, indeed. Education and experience are simple to say. Teaching jobs usually need specific degrees and certifications, so be certain to highlight your education. Proofreading is of extreme importance when you need to land that coveted teaching job. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Resume Profile Statement Sometimes you try to do your best and even then you're not able to score well in your home tasks. After you receive a job, you barely have enough time to do laundry. Your resume says a whole lot about you. Others might call it's easy, part of patience. There can be few things in life that have left the most influence on your professional life. Many a times it is essential to compose the work objective at the entry level. A great deal of people believe that a personal objective statement is an important part of your resume. On the flip side, if the individual is in the field from a long duration of time, then job objective isn't important. Resume profiles are the very first chance to highlight somebody's relevant career experiences, skills, and what goals they are trying to achieve while in their next position. No matter your degree of job practical understanding, your resume structure is very important to making your application stick out. Resume is a continuous procedure and it is going to likely to call for updates in your whole career life. So long as you include all the appropriate info, sometimes a different look can be what makes you stick out from the remaining part of the applicants. The truly amazing thing about this portion of the profile statement is you most likely already have a notion of what your specialty is. It is a perfect opportunity for every job hunter to present and sell his or her skills and qualities. The resume profile statement is crucial to receiving the reader's attention and making certain your resume receives serious consideration. The New Angle On Resume Profile Statement Just Released Management resumes benefit from listing the crucial skills of a person. Career objectives are most useful for people targeting one specific position, since they enable the applicant to directly cover the requirements of the business and show how they are going to fit in the workforce. It is crucial to be totally honest in your profile. Resume Profile You ought to be able to compose your profile in one short paragraph which can be inserted into your CV. The second portion of your resume profile should concentrate on your specialty. Your profile needs to be customized to coordinate with the qualifications the employer is seeking.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Sample Functional Resume Is Wrong and What You Should Know

Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Sample Functional Resume Is Wrong and What You Should Know Remember you don't need your complete address on your resume as it some businesses might not even open it due to privacy difficulties. The reality is that your potential employers will be quite interested in your resume. You might consider creating resumes of each sort and use them to fulfill the expectations of a specific employer. To make an effective resume you want to investigate the industry and business you are targeting and include information that demonstrates your understanding and appeals to their specified needs. The Bizarre Secret of Sample Functional Resume Including a profile is helpful for just about any applicant. Building a functional resume can be fascinating whenever you have the most suitable guideline to follow. You might also see Resume Examples. You need to choose the sample to be applied as a reference based on the kind of health assistant you wan t to be. For instance, if you wish to both highlight your abilities and include your chronological work history, look at a combination resume. When there are a couple of formatting choices to select from, like chronological, functional, and a mixture, there are specific basics common to all. A good example of a functional resume. You will soon locate the official data about us. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each resume format, can help you to establish which format will work best for you. Many times, the functional format is used when a huge period of time is missing from the job history. In reality, there are numerous formats for various purposes. Bearing that in mind, here are a few basic tips that may offer you greater insight about ways to develop a functional resume which works for your specific needs. A functional resume ought to be utilised in numerous kinds of situations. You might need several variations on your basic resume targeted to distinct companies in various fields. There are a number of easy tweaks that may make a functional resume advantageous! This sample functional resume is only an example to demonstrate the high quality and fashion of our professional resume writing services. At precisely the same time, however, you'll want to incorporate each of the rele vant details. When you have added your details and work experience, it's possible to also save your resume as PDF if you desire. You can depend on the very best essay help online. If you need assistance crafting the ideal functional resume for your job-seeking wants, contact us for more details. A template like functional resume can be downloaded easily, because of appearance of on-line source that has the capacity to provide it at no cost. The most frequently used resume style. Just take a look further and discover out! A chronological resume is a great style for somebody with a strong work history. If you'd like to see resume samples for a different market, you can view all our resume samples here. If you're in a creative position (for example, graphic design), think about using a nontraditional resume. If you own a couple of gaps in your resume you may still use a chronological resume format. The Lost Secret of Sample Functional Resume If you're a work seeker, applying for a job can be a trying practice. If it comes to resume preparation, TopResume is here to assist. If you're looking to put in an application for a position of a dental assistant then you may take advantage of dental assistant resume. There are a lot of standard kinds of resumes you may use to submit an application for job openings. If you wish to be effective, you should revolve around the jobs that satisfy your wants. When you know what things to expect, you ought to be in a position to steer clear of the jobs which do not feel your criteria. Also, in case you frequently change jobs, you might also think about a functional resume. You are going to want to understand what you need out of your work. Sample Functional Resume Secrets That No One Else Knows About You'll observe that even the very best functional resume will damage your odds of getting hired. Simply take the opportunity to come up with a strong functional resume. Modern times can be exceedingly challenging when applying for employment, competition is huge.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Curriculum Vitae Letters Trap

The Curriculum Vitae Letters Trap As you go on, a great deal of relevant information could nevertheless be added to it. You need to get in touch with a printing service to get that done for you. There are several websites supplying free of charge resume template with no watermarks or graphics inside them. The scholarship amount awarded can fluctuate from the advertised volume. Please be aware that referees will be notified to supply a letter of support only after the on-line application fee was processed. If you aren't already in New Zealand, please send us your application three or more months ahead of your programme starts as it can take a while to organise the crucial documents. First admission offers are created in March. Click apply to finish the application approach. The Tried and True Method for Curriculum Vitae Letters in Step by Step Detail The main aim is to stick out from different participants and to let recruiters quickly get a notion of who you are, what yo ur skills are and why you're the perfect person for the job which you are applying for. A couple of examples of Johnson's work can be observed below. Our writers also undergo a string of other training that may truly convince us they are great for the job. It's only normal to be anxious about hiring an on-line essay writer as you can not ever be sure whether you are employing the appropriate service or not. Generally, positions over 10 years old won't be included, or if they're included, omit dates of employment and specifics of the position and just include them in a bullet-point list. With greater competition, making the effort to create a special CV for each job that you apply for can be useful. It's vital that the service you select knows for sure they're only selecting the ideal essay writers. A perfect selection for candidates with lots of experience who want a one-page CV template. The Downside Risk of Curriculum Vitae Letters If you fret about the standard of your essay as well as you're worrying about whether you can locate a paper writer you are able to trust, you have arrived at the right spot. Employing a writing service is the best means to have a well-written essay to use as a guideline to make sure the essays you write are hitting all the vital points and are at the appropriate depth necessary for your academic grade. You may submit as much as an extra two letters of reference, which might come from different sources (by way of example, from an employer or volunteer organization). Extensive work experience doesn't substitute for the particular degree requirements. The One Thing to Do for Curriculum Vitae Letters In the event you will need any changes in your paper after it's completed you can ask for free revision. This template provides you with an illustration of what things to put in your CV and shows the acceptable format for a curriculum vitae. By obeying a template, you will be in a position to swiftly create your curriculum vitae. Before you begin, also review these strategies for formatting a curriculum vitae. Where to Find Curriculum Vitae Letters If you're asking for a fellowship, for instance, you won't will need to incorporate the private information that would otherwise be included in an international CV. A cover letter ought to be included with each curriculum vitae you send and should also be tailored to react to the di stinctive and specific requirements requested by every organization you're approaching. Any letters of recommendation in AcademicWorks won't be given to the student directly. As such it's imperative that prospective students identify a prospective professor before applying to the program. Students may spend their fourth semester in america, Russia, or a different location. Aside from coursework, they may have to work on a capstone project, thesis and or participate in an internship. International students will be asked to submit an extra I-20 processing fee. How to Find Curriculum Vitae Letters Online Please be aware that the Munk School doesn't have any distinctive forms or a template it uses for the letter of recommendation. If you are searching for Cambridge University Cv Template you've come to the proper spot. Before you commence writing your Europass CV, there are not many points that you have to know. Make sure you receive the info you're looking for. You are going to be notified by email if you're invited to interview. Otherwise, then there's something wrong.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Life After Design Resume Template

Life After Design Resume Template Then you'll ought to consider the tasks which you've functioned which fit that description. The bulleted Expertise' section gives you the ability to display the degree of your abilities. Rather than that, you use the name of a particular skill for each heading. This template enables you to create a top-notch CV. After you add your private stamp' to it through imputing your exclusive abilities, professional experiences, and wording, it is going to stand from the crowd for all of the perfect factors. Use our cover letter sample to polish your talents and find the task that you'd like. Whenever you have finished all your sections, be sure you give it a precise great appearance get somebody else to proof read it. For that reason, it's far better to highlight your abilities and the simple fact you have acquired multiple talents, in place of drawing attention to how you've jumped from place to position. Design Resume Template - the Conspiracy If you aim to make a new CV or maybe to refresh an existing one, have a look at the Fancy template. Keep in mind, after you've finished personalizing your resume, you're not prepared to fill out an application yet. In the event that you didn't locate the template which you need, feel free to bring a look at the section on the website. Each template offers structure, examples and tips so you don't need to start from scratch when creating your resume. Our purpose is to keep the appropriate balance between modern and traditional style. The clean and easy design can help you to demonstrate your skills, portfolio items in an outstanding way. Things You Won't Like About Design Resume Template and Things You Will Once your resume is prepared to go, you're wish to be sure to receive it in front of as many employers as possible. It's important to get your resume stand out from the work competition. Also be certain to tailor the document to the job you're applying for. Certain jobs may call for extra qualifications prior to a candidate can be considered for the job, therefore it's essential for you to totally comprehend whatever conditions are mentioned in any work listing. Type of Design Resume Template The detailed and concise diagrams will certainly help you with your task. It is vital to know the tool which you are using, especially when you decide to customize. There's a few distinct approaches to alter the formatting. When you have modified the standard resume template that you found on the net, make it simple on your upcoming self and save a number of versions of your resume. Fortunately, there are various publishers around who've created incredible resume templates for fast editing and formatting in Word. 7 Another absolutely free Word resume example made by MOO together with Microsoft. There are lots of them all round the internet. All you need to do is discover one you like, click on it, and begin writing. Jobseekers with enough financial resources may opt to employ a professional resume writer to make sure that they are in possession of a very first class resume. As you've already understood writing an outstanding resume isn't an effortless job which you can do. There are lots of free resume templates readily available online but sometimes it can be quite tough to decide on the best one that is most suited to you. By carefully targeting resumes for certain jobs, you're able to greatly enhance your odds of getting noticed in the work market. If you're a work seeker, applying for a job can be a difficult procedure. You should be more cautious when writing your work application. Another core element you've got to look at when drafting your resume is understanding the type of job that you're after. All About Design Resume Template Organizing is an issue of arranging and sequencing data. Utilizing a resume template is getting an acceptable and smart practice for numerous explanations.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Detailed Notes on Resume Volunteer in an Easy to Follow Manner

Detailed Notes on Resume Volunteer in an Easy to Follow Manner The Resume Volunteer Stories There can be a number of others appearing to join the very same cause, which means that your application should be made to impress. In the event that you desire work, you have to earn an instance for your self. Therefore, before deciding to list your volunteer work for a specific cause, experience canvasing for a specific politician, or fundraising efforts for a specific place of worship in your job application materials, here are a few things to think about. Work is a massive part of your own life, nonetheless it's just a single part of your life. Volunteer work covers a broad range of activities and can vastly enhance your odds of receiving an interview for your perfect job if you learn how to put volunteer work on your resume in a sense that shows your strengths, dedication and enthusiasm. It is all about helping people. Relevant volunteer work might be only the thing to capture that employer's interest. The Resume Volunteer Chronicles Volunteer work may have a larger impact for you than a seasoned candidate, and that means you need to draw the reader in from the beginning. As a result, if you'd like to turn into a volunteer, you will discover volunteer resume templates very beneficial. Volunteers perform an array of unique activities, based on the sort of organization for which they're volunteering. They provide support to Habitat ReStores in a wide variety of ways. After you've got all your volunteer positions laid out on L inkedIn, we should locate a great spot for it on your resume. Volunteer work doesn't necessarily need to be job related. The chance of obtaining a job for a volunteer is often large. Becoming a volunteer isn't always as simple as it seems. Many job seekers also create the error of thinking volunteer work on a resume isn't important. It's better to go through your bartender job description and highlight all the abilities and experience about the job which you have. Attempt not to be discouraged if you neglect to land the very first job you apply for. If you neglect to list transferable skills that are essential for the job, the hiring manager won't be in a position to see you as a possible fit, and so eliminate you from the pool of competent candidates. What is included in your resume will change depending upon what kinds of positions you want to apply for. Work Resume serves a specific purpose for a person preparing a resume. Resume length usually is contingent on the quantity of experience you've got. Chronological resumes are perfect for showing a pattern of performing, particularly if you're continuing within a general occupation or field. A Secret Weapon for Resume Volunteer If you don't have a lot of exp erience but have diverse abilities, you may want to think about a combination resume. If you're not particular which skills you'd like to speak about, think about your prior encounters. Key skills chance to be work-related skills which you will have to do employment. Next, you're want to concentrate on your transferable skills. Resume Volunteer Options If possible, include metrics so hiring managers may see the effect of your work. Hospital volunteers supply a required service in hospitals. There are many different varieties of health care assistants. They are an important part of the healthcare industry as they provide much needed support within healthcare facilities. You're going to be hearing from the hiring manager in no moment. Likewise, in the event the job demands leadership or planning skills, or the business values civic involvement, adding that board membership may be fantastic thing. There are a couple of unique places where you could incorporate volunteer ex perience on your resume the placement is really going to depend on just what the remainder of your professional experience appears like and your present job targets. When you include examples of your achievements in voluntary positions you're also displaying the results of your private involvement and so giving the hiring manager with concrete instances of how you'll be an ideal fit for their company. A volunteer is somebody who has made a decision which they will do the job for a business or an organization without expecting a payment. Before you only begin listing every bit of volunteer experience you've got, take a small time to look into the corporation. In case you have information regarding technical experience, list it in bullets just like you would under work. It actually is perfectly recommended to employ an expert to get the task done which is suitable for you personally, only as you'd get the assistance of the barrister to beg for you in court or a speechwriter in t he event you wished to get at the White House.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Secret to Google Docs Templates Resume

The Secret to Google Docs Templates Resume Google Docs Templates Resume Features Don't forget to only edit the green cells, even though it's simple enough to bring any extra columns including Dietary Requirements, if necessary. The document shows you exactly what exercises you ought to be performing during a week by an exercise expert and Pilates guru! Additionally, you can select from three different color schemes to really ensure it is unique. Read More should you save carefully. A number of these templates aren't particularly higher quality, so watch out for ones with positive ratings. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Google Docs Templates Resume Contact Us' website form is a normal mockup. If you're not pleased with the list, you can make your own templates just as easily. Pick the template layout which best satisfies your requirements. Personalize the template by means of your information. Sheets lets you collaborate, but collaboration is simply like the organization that follows. In case you have suggestions for templates that you want to use, please speak to us. This professionally designed template makes it possible to to earn a fantastic first impression. Save the document with a single titlewe'll require that in a moment. It's fast and simple to use. If you're a Google Docs power user, you know there are free templates out there. Others are provided by graphic design sites. In any case, the tool is universal. Utilizing this tool, it's possible to easily make an informative resume that looks clean and contemporary. Obviously, you may add your custom menus and tweak it further according to your requirements. Travel budget Sometimes even employing a template is an intimidating practice. Elements is excellent for the indecisive applicant. Who Else Wants to Learn About Google Docs Templates Resume? Though there are many merchandise and services availabl e with Google, the doc templates are definitely the most popular among them which is completely free. Revision History The Google Docs Revision History feature is beneficial for job seekers because it enables you to find any prior changes which have been made to your Google Docs resume. You will without a doubt locate the Google Spreadsheet templates you are interested in finding. A great choice is to make a Google Form, via the absolutely free form tool which comes with your Google account. You are also able to stay informed about our newest reviews by registering for our Site Review Newsletter. Family Budget Planner is an easy table that doesn't require any appropriate skills to work with. If you're looking for Google Forms Templates For Education you've come to the correct location. Facts, Fiction and Google Docs Templates Resume Google Docs exports documents in numerous formats, making it simple to submit the suitable file type to a hiring manager. To acquire the file, you've got to subscribe. You will soon observe that some resume templates are locked until you find yourself with a pro version for three or more months. All preceding versions, for instance, current edition, will continue to be available. Simply click where you wish to edit, delete the dummy text and begin typing. All you will need is a way to receive your data in the document template. The option of templates isn't restricted by the conventional ones that you see when you make a new file. Gossip, Lies and Google Docs Templates Resume A new post is made available instantly and you may fill in all the details following your post was published. All you have to do is add your details. After every entry, the general change is figured automatically. If you're making many versions of your resume or cover letter, be certain to label each one with a particular title which will help you remember which is which (including the title of the job that you're applying for). Things You Won't Like About Google Docs Templates Resume and Things You Will Our project managers are prepared to connect you with a stellar design group and the fastest outsourcing service on the internet. Also, though you should always create a disti nctive and customized resume for every single organization you apply to, should you plan to send the exact same one to do different businesses, ensure you still create two individual docs. Provided that you use the appropriate info, you will wind up with a professional document that will impress any hiring manager. For simple classroom or school newspaper undertaking, this choice is well worth choosing.