Sunday, December 29, 2019

How to structure an internship program that works for your company

How to structure an fr sichship program that works for your companyHow to structure an internship program that works for your companyFor many young people starting out, internships are a tried and true gateway into a career. One study leides that 59% of internships lead to job offers. Students have the opportunity to participate in the workforce, discover their aptitude and interest in various professions, build social capital, and perhaps match with their future employer. Companies, in turn, have the opportunity to infuse new perspectives and enthusiasm into their teams while seeing the workplace through fresh eyes. At First Workings, our mission is to address the internship access gap in New York City.We set a high bar for success and have overwhelmingly watched students and companies clear that bar. The First Workings interns, who typically come through NYC charter and public schools in traditionally underserved and underrepresented communities, work with prestigious companies lik e Morgan Stanley, NASDAQ, Mount Sinai Hospital, White Case, Bandier, and many others.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreAs we enter our fifth summer internship period, here are some principles that have helped our students and companies meet and exceed their internship goals.Widen your talent pool in eigener sache programs are one of your companys strongest recruiting tools. Weve found that many young people land internships by tapping into the network of people they know, also known as their social capital. Unfortunately, this means that companies can miss out on an enormous population of well-qualified and passionate interns.Be intentional in your recruitment efforts. Seek out diverse student groups on college campuses. Find ways to recruit from and partner with institutions or community-based organizations that serve underrepresented populations in your city.By creating an inc lusive internship structure, companies can broaden the pool of talent available to them, especially among first-generation college students and students of color. With a more diverse talent pool comes more diverse ideas and solutions.Look at the program from your interns perspectivesConsider the structure of your internship experience. Would interns benefit from deep-diving into a specific aspect of the job or rotating between different departments? Think back to what you would have appreciated when you first entered your industry or company.You should also keep in mind the age of the interns you work with. High school interns require different kinds of training programs and support systems than college interns. While college students are more likely to have had previous internships, this may be a high school students first experience in a professional setting.The key here is showing your interns that you value their efforts and insights, and giving them the opportunity to rise to t he occasion. Its really inspiring to see what a young person can accomplish when given the resources, support, and encouragement they need.Get to know your interns Whether youre welcoming one or 100 interns at a time, find ways to personalize the experience.Something as simple as sending a getting to know you questionnaire to your incoming interns before their first day can capture valuable insights for their future supervisors. Ask about their experiences coming into the internship. What do they hope to get out of their time at the company? What are their interests outside of work?To maximize the experience for both parties, strategically pair interns to supervisors and mentors who reflect their professional and personal interests. Help make the experience more personal by taking them out to lunch on the first day, or even finding 15 minutes to share their own background and make an authentic connection with the intern.Allow interns to get involved in company work productIf interns are only responsible for picking up coffee and making copies, youre setting them up for failure, not to mention damaging their idea of the workplace. Whether you work in a corporate or creative setting, theres always room for innovative new ideas. What better place to source these new ideas than from the next generation of the workforce?In addition to assisting their teams on day-to-day projects, allow your interns to get more intimately involved with non-critical, but important, projects. Tell them why their contribution matters. Make aya they understand how their contributions fit into the larger company mission. Some examples of ways to do this are incorporating them into brainstorm sessions, assigning them research tasks, having them help prepare briefs or presentations, or inviting them to sit in on important meetings so they can meet executives or clients.If thats not possible, create stimulated assignments modeled on a real-life project. Give them the opportunity to present their work to senior level executives at the end of their internship.Encourage ongoing feedbackDont save feedback for the exit interview. Communicate with your interns periodically. Let them know what theyre doing well and what they need to work on based on the goals you set at the beginning of the internship. This gives them the chance to actively learn and produce their best possible work, which benefits both parties.Encourage your interns to keep a journal. They should jot down questions as they come up. Tracking daily and long-term projects will come in handy during check-in and more formal evaluations.One of the managers we work with asks his interns to take note of all of the unfamiliar terms that they come across. At the end of the day, they meet and the supervisor explains each term. Aside from being a particularly useful exercise for internships in more nuanced industries like law and finance, it also helps strengthen the relationship between the intern and their managers.O ffer guidance based on your interns needsInternships are always more successful when the intern is prepared for whats ahead. Are there nonprofits or school-based programs that address this issue with whom you can connect?Since 2014, we have placed over 200 teens in highly sought-after internships. Before their first day, we meet with each of our teens several times to address interview skills, inter-office etiquette, professional emails, good social media habits, handshake, etc. We provide them with MetroCards, lunch stipends, and work-appropriate clothes, if needed, to negate some of the financial barriers that might prevent them from having a successful experience. We even bring in improvisational actors to walk our students through how to handle tricky situations at work appropriately.Your summer interns will have varying levels of experience. Offer guidance to those who do not have access to the level of preparation First Workings provides. Managing interns may be time-consuming , but its time well spent.Remember, todays intern will very likely be tomorrows employee. Investing in a positive work environment and fostering strong and supportive relationships will not only feel personally rewarding but will also pay dividends for years to come.Chloe Mullarkey is the founding Executive Director of First Workings, a nonprofit organization helping NYCs students from underserved and underrepresented communities build social capital. First Workings provides tailored training, placement in competitive internships, and comprehensive support to help students foster professional relationships and achieve their full potential academically and professionally. Prior to First Workings, Ms. Mullarkey served as a College Advisor at a high school in the Bronx with the NYU College Advising Corps. A first-generation college student herself, she holds a Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology from NYU Steinhardt and a Master of Public Health (MPH) from Columbia University Mail man School of Public Health.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

These are the industries with the most hungover employees

These are the industries with the most hungover employeesThese are the industries with the most hungover employeesA recent survey of over 1,000 employees explores the impact hangovers have on the labor ecosystem.The price of a great nightLast year, over $41 billion in salary was spent on hangover-induced absenteeism. Of the roughly 157 million Americans currently employed, 75% admitted to heading to work after a night of heavy drinking with the average employee taking about two sicks days a year to deal with their hangovers. This amounts to about $355 per employee annually.The majority of coworkers that come to work sick from a night of too much imbibing are men, 80% to be exact compared to the 70% of women that do so. The report states that despite biological differences in how men and women process alcohol men are mora likely to binge than women are, statistically speaking.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfa ction, Neuroscience, and moreDont be quick to sound off the have-a-go-heroes, because 46% of the respondents that show up to work hungover only pretended to actually do work. Just over 45% of the people that showed up to work with a hangoverspend a significant amount of time in the bathroom, 35% took extra long lunches, 32.5% took an excessive number of breaks, and nearly 20% took naps. This culminates in a statistic listed later in the survey that reveals employees get about five hours of work done when they come in with hangovers.Plus these five hours of work are not guaranteed to contain quality work. Besides the 43.1% of employees that outed their hangovers as an explanation for their lateness, nearly 40% say that their hangovers made them fall asleep while working, nearly 10% missed important deadlines, 9.6% missed important meetings, and 2.6% showed up to get fired for their hazy mistakes.Industries with the most hungover workersMost of the statistics mention above surge when you limit your scope to careers in technology. The average number of sick days used yearly to treat hangovers in the tech industry is eight compared to the national average of two. Construction and legal jobs come in at number two with four days annually each, and marketing and advertising professionals come in at three sick days a year.Thankfully medical and health care professionals boast some of the lowest statics with just one day taken a year from each field.Partiers in the legal field seemed to have the greatest constitution. Over 90% of them weather the storm and come in to work despite their hangovers. However, this group also committed the most mistakes though while hungover (76%.) A little more than 85% of hungover construction workers somehow manage to operate noisy machinery and 83% of workers in transportation and warehouses show up with hangovers.By generation Millennials were found to pretend to do work with hangovers the most, coming in at 48.6%. They also took exten ded lunches the most. And took the most breaksin addition to napping the most.Should you tell your boss if youre hungover?The survey suggests there most likely will be no serious repercussions if youre honest with your boss about your hangover. Of the workers surveyed 66.5% said there were absolutely zero consequences after they filled their boss in. Twenty-three percent were issued a formal warning, 20% were verbally reprimanded and 11.9% were fired.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, December 20, 2019

How to Avoid Personal Assistant Job Scams

How to Avoid Personal Assistant Job ScamsHow to Avoid Personal Assistant Job ScamsPersonal assistantjobs rank highly on the list of sought-after employment. Most of behauptung jobs offer a great deal of flexibility, the potential to work completely from home, interesting clients, and they often pay quite well. Because so many individuals would love a career as a personal assistant, unscrupulous people have launched scams preying on job seekers who think theyve found a genuine personal virtual assistant career opportunity. Personal Assistant Scams Typical personal assistant scams offer generous payment for helping clients transfer money to businessmen at other companies. In reality, these scams consist ofveiled attempts at money-laundering. When they succeed, the unwitting personal assistant ends up taking the fall during federal investigations. The scammers who post these personal assistant ads frequently list a number of work responsibilities that seem to be legitimate, includin g duties like purchasing gifts, running personal errands, and setting appointments. You can identify these scams because they also almost always include an emphasis on sending and/or receiving money or packages. What to Watch Out For For instance, an ad might say that your new employer will send you a check or money order, asking you to forward some of the money while keeping a percentage for yourself. What really takes place is that this money, cleaned through your bank account, gets forwarded right back to the scammer as funds that you have unwittingly made untraceable. The check will prove to be fraudulent, leaving you to pay the funds back to your bank. Other scams ask for a personal assistant who can receive and ship various packages. While the scammer will claim that these packages come from his company, they will, in fact, contain illegal goods. The scammer might even send you a fraudulent check to pay for shipping costs. Not only will you have to pay your bank for the fr audulent check, but you could also be charged with mailing illegal goods. How to Sidestep the Scams To avoid these scams, thoroughly research an employer before applying for a job. Youll find some listings for personal assistants seem extremely vague, simply stating that the employee works from home. You have every right to ask for information regarding the company with which your potential employer does business. If a job advertisement does not contain the specific name of the employer, this should raise a red flag for you to investigate the position further before signing on the dotted line. In some cases, ads may create a fictional persona for the supposed employer. For example, the employer may provide a false name and say that he works as a lawyer, doing business from home. He may also offer fake credentials to try to help himself sound legitimate. In cases like these, make sure that the employer has actually worked on cases or belonged to a real firm. A simple Google searc h can help you find out if the persons career is legitimate or if the potential employer strangely seems to not even exist. Additionally, most scam jobs will accept anyone, right away. If, after submitting your application, you get an immediate answer or have an interview with just a question or two before being offered the job, you should definitely proceed with caution. Scammers are looking for any quick and gullible target and want to get you hired immediately, so they will have a minimal screening process. By asking questions, you identify yourself as informed, and they will move on to other targets. What to Look For in a Real Personal Assistant Job One way to avoid scams is to start your job search using one of the top job sites. It may not be possible to avoid all scams, but using a legitimate job site will help you steer clear of them. Real personal assistant jobs have rigorousapplication processes. Because you will be working closely for someone, often having access to t heir personal information and financial and other sensitive data, a true personal assistant job can take weeks, if not months, to fill. Beyond submitting a resume and cover letter, youll likely need to submit severalprofessional or personal references, agree to abackground checkand drug test, and go through several interviews, either over the phone, via video, or in person. The entire hiring process for a legitimate personal assistant job takes some time as employers are determined to find the right person so that they wont have to reopen the job soon they want a stable and productive employee who will be with them for a while. Do not be discouraged its just a sign that the employers doing her due diligence and that the position is legitimate.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to Answer Job Interview Questions About Multitasking

How to Answer Job Interview Questions About MultitaskingHow to Answer Job Interview Questions About MultitaskingIn a job bewerbungsgesprch, a potential employer might ask you how you handle a situation when you are in the middle of working on a singular task, and you are asked to jump on something else at the same time. This probe is geared toward assessing your ability to multitask. How you answer this question really depends on the job you are applying for, as well as the qualities the potential employer is looking for in an ideal new hire. For example, a television producer or registered nurse must be able to multitask, like a juggler in a circus ring. However, if you are applying to be a copywriter or massage therapist, multitasking is not as much of a concern. What the Interviewer Really Wants to Know In most situations, a hiring manager is asking if you can juggle a few things at once. Its a fair question, especially with the sheer number of phone calls, emails, and meetin gs that can come up on a given day. However, in some lines of work, multitasking is not the ideal. It can mean that your attention is drawn away from your main task, which has a few risks. It may take longer to accomplish a task, and the task may be prone to errors. A person is usually more efficient when allowed to focus on one task at a time. In work, something usually comes up that will derail your concentration on your primary task. Interviewers know that time management can sometimes suffer at the hands of multitasking. How to Answer Job Interview Questions About Multitasking As youre preparing an answer, consider the job description. Would multitasking help in this role, or would it seem like a sign that you cant focus on one thing at a time? Once youve figured out what the interviewer is looking for, match your qualifications to the job and emphasize those skills that are most valuable to the employer. For example, if youre applying for a job as graphic designer on a bus y design team, come to the interview with anecdotes about how you handle multiple deadlines, tasks, and requests. Then, be sure to mention your hard skills, like software programs that are essential to the job. Examples of the Best Answers I like to multitask, in my personal as well as my professional life. I prefer to have many things going on at once. It keeps me interested and moving forward. ExpandWhy It Works Assuming the job for which youre interviewing involves many different tasks and types of work, this answer shows that youre a good fit. You come across like someone whos excited by having a lot of projects, not stressed by dividing their attention. If you want something done, ask a busy person I find gratification in accomplishing more than less, so I prefer to take on a little more. Its better than handling only one issue at a time. Ive learned to batch tasks so that Im focusing on similar activities at the same time. That way, I dont lose time and focus when I switc h tasks. ExpandWhy It Works Task-switching is expensive in terms of time and energy, so if youre going to claim to be a successful multitasker, its a good idea to show that you understand the potential pitfalls and can navigate them. I am best when I am multitasking. When I tackle one problem at a time, I tend to dwell on the solution. Meanwhile, when I have multiple things to accomplish, I am able to focus on the most accurate solution right away. ExpandWhy It Works This answer shows that youre focused on quality, not just quantity. Even in jobs where the ability to multitask is prized, being able to produce good work is important. I prefer to handle one project at a time. It allows me to focus on the task at hand. However, in business, while that would be ideal, the reality is that I need to be able to adjust to outside forces. When a lot of things come at me at once, I create a checklist, which helps me to prioritize and guides me to work on the most pressing needs first. ExpandW hy It Works If youre not great at multitasking and that skill isnt a requirement for the job being up front is your best bet. This response also shows that you can adapt to your environment and develop coping mechanisms that allow you to excel. Tips for Giving the Best Answer Determine whether multitasking is a job requirement. Carefully read the job advertisement, paying close attention to the requirements section. It should be fairly obvious whether this job requires multitasking or singular focus. Emphasize your skills that fit the job description. Show that you can develop mechanisms to cope with challenges. Lets say youre not a natural multitasker, but the ability to juggle multiple projects is a requirement of the job. In this case, talk about what youve done to enable yourself to succeed in that type of environment. What Not to Say Dont stretch the truth. Youre likely to get caught, losing the offer or the job once youre hired. But even if you manage to fake your way into the position, youre unlikely to be happy in your new role. Why? Because youre not a good fit no matter what youve convinced the hiring manager. Avoid appearing scattered. Multitasking effectively means being able to switch focus with efficiency. Make sure that your answer demonstrates that you can complete tasks and achieve goals, not just work on multiple things at once. Possible Follow-Up Questions What is your greatest weakness? Best AnswersWhat is your greatest strength? Best AnswersHow would you describe your work style? Best AnswersDo you work well with other people? Best AnswersHow would you describe the pace at which you work? Best Answers Key Takeaways REVIEW THE JOB DESCRIPTION Look for indications that multitasking (or focusing on one thing) might be valued.PREPARE TO EXPLAIN YOUR PROCESS Not a natural multitasker? Explain how youve learned to task-switch effectively.BE TRUTHFUL IN YOUR RESPONSE Dont claim to have skills you dont possess. Instead, look for opportunities to emphasize your skills.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Key Pieces of General Resume Template

Key Pieces of General Resume Template Theres an abundance of information available both on the net and in libraries and other locations on the topic of resume creation. Before you select the one to use, be certain you look in any way of the example options so that you can be certain the perfect one is decided on with confidence. Such information will be able to help you to better anticipate and meet your customers needs. Your own partal information is ordinarily the very first item on your resume. Start your statement with what you can do to help the employer. The letter of transmittal introduces your company and provides a succinct summary of the proposal. If you opt to produce your own document make sure that you include particulars like your contractor license number and the approximate start and end dates of the undertaking. To compile a great collection of responsibilities from every employer, utilize a different document that you are able to condense and edit before adding the information to your resume. Introducing General Resume Template Volunteering in an amtsstube setting is a remarkable method to get valuable experience that can enable you to qualify for an entry-level clerical position. Resume is being thought to be a highly effective tool to market oneself for a specific job prospect. The Secret to General Resume Template Whatever industry youre in your resume needs the proper language and format to generate an effect. It is possible to create a resume that highlights your soft abilities and also downplays your deficiency of technical abilities and experience. When writing the education section, consider how your education will assist you in the job which youre applying for. Dont be worried if your resume is short on account of your lack of work experience. Explain in detail why you believe youre a great match for the job. Along with resume writing tips you want to have a look at some sample resumes to find a elendion of how you should design and write your resume. For many jobseekers, writing a cover letter is among the most challenging portions of the employment search procedure. A proposal for your own promotion doesnt need to follow a specific format, though it ought to be professional looking and typed. Help on writing your resume can be discovered on the Monster Career-Advice site. Standard resumes are turning into a thing of the past. If you get a military background, it can improve your odds of getting hired with the fire department. 1 thing a lot of people dont understand about writing resumes is you have to be certain it has all the pertinent information to assist you get hired. You may be surprised at the ideas that come to you as youre not working on the portfolio. Through various examples of two week notice letters, you can receive some notion of the way to write them without being made to get a book or employ a professional writer. The True Meaning of General Resume Template Norm al job searches are becoming longer and longer, and thus do not become discouraged. You should discover what sort of job youre seeking and determine what the very best approach to achieve it is. It isnt necessary to list every job youve held before, especially if its not related to the present position or industry youre targeting. If youve ever wanted to understand how to find writing jobs that may not have as much competition, seek out hidden job markets to obtain a benefit. If youre tailoring your resume to a specific job, your very first section could be titled Objective and highlight your unique job objective. Discuss relevant trends in your industry and the way your proposed business can cash in on the newest ideas. Key Pieces of General Resume Template If you realize that you are stuck on a specific component of your work, you always have the option to move to some other endeavor, or stop altogether for some time. Finish with a concise description of your targets and w hat you aspire to achieve if youre hired for the position. Instead, you may use a work objective or focus statement. In the very first reading you need to acquire the overall notion of the essay. General Resume Template - Dead or Alive? Make sure you have the proper spelling and title of the employer and put it to use in the salutation. Include a present contact number and address where you are able to be reached. Showing your interest and the way in which your skills will contribute overall will draw the employer. Keep your referred person updated while youre asking for work. Vital Pieces of General Resume Template Sometimes job postings will give a contact name. Submit your cover letter and resume based on the instructions in the job posting, while its via a web-based program, email or normal mail. To find out more on what it requires to be a General Manager, take a look at our complete General Manager Job Description. For an overall manager resume, you will need to make certain you include some excellent references.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Paper Outline Cover Up

The Paper Outline Cover Up Paper Outline Secrets That No One Else Knows About A raw data must go in the appendix. Its possible to also describe the reach of your research. The abstract is the most essential portion of the report because anybody looking for your research on a database or within a journal will often read no more than the abstract. A research outline template is readily gettable on the web. Whats Actually Going on with Paper Outline When it has to do with fiction writing, ideas are thought of as assets. There are a couple tips on how to compose your abstract but the very best advice is that you look at some journals pertinent to your research and attempt to format your abstract in a similar way. In the event of a lengthier project, it is a challenge to imagine a successful writing process with no obstacles in the event the outline is missing. The general style and tone of your research paper are contingent on the audience it is directed at. In your research paper outline template, dont neglect to include all the keywords that you would love to emphasize in your introduction. An outline is going to be a reminder for you to include all the crucial subtleties in it. So, creation of an outline ought to be the next step after youve decided on your topic. The template is not difficult to customize. You can also see book outline. You might also seeA resume outline. You could also see resume outline. Besides a report outline and a presentation outline, a research paper outline is among the most usual types of outlines youre most likely to encounter in any particular field. Want to Know mora About Paper Outline? Folks tend to opt for a variety of themes of who they are and attempt to describe all of them. You might also see program outline. An outline is essential when a student has to handle a succinct assignment of 1000 words or less. College students should use a suitable numbering for unique sections. Choosing Good Paper Outl ine The paragraphs ought to be double spaced. Nonetheless, in case you have many segments, you want to use another heading or subheading. In addition, the wording in each within each part of your topic outline has to be parallel with one another. Choosing Paper Outline There are various methods and distinct approaches to compose a thesis statement. An outline will allow you to organize your principal thoughts and determine the order in which youre likely to write about them. You can also state what kind of approach it is that you will use in your paper for the full discussion of your topic. The paper should get off to a good beginning with regard to clarifying unfamiliar information as not to depart from your readers puzzled. The paper needs to be consistent from the start to the very end. The thesis statement ought to be complete, and the remainder of the paper ought to be in line with it. An outline is intended to help you set a structure for a paper you are likely to write. Sooner or later, you will find that the entire research paper examples will allow you to start and get you moving in the correct direction for you to reach the finest possible mark you are able to. Writing form that isnt factual is called fiction writing. The Introduction should contain your thesis statement or the subject of your research and the objective of your study. Creating an outline is an essential point for virtually any paper writing. Writing an outline is a rather effective approach to think through how you are going to organize and present the info in your essay. Completing an MLA outline will make sure your research paper format is accurate. Basically, APA format is utilized in the social sciences. however, it is not only limited to social sciences alone. The MLA format stipulates the vital guidelines for effectively writing an essay based on the MLA standards. New Ideas Into Paper Outline Never Before Revealed Keep in mind it is an outline of your pri mary paper therefore it will cover all the vital facets of your paper. Youve got to compose several academic papers over the span of a year. Therefore its as crucial as you main paper so that you cannot take it for granted. You need to know how to address it even before you commence writing your paper. Possessing a Research proposal outline example provides the essential boost to the success of the paper. Developing a fantastic outline is important in a more composing of your research paper. Possessing a perfect outline increases the likelihood of you presenting a research paper thats well written.